Quick Reference

Finally, here is a compact quick reference of the most important OpenSCAD functions and their parameters.

2D Geometry 🔗

Circle 🔗

	r,  	// radius	
	d   	// or diameter

Rectangle 🔗

	size,		// a single value creates a square,
	            // a two-dimensional vector a rectangle

	center  	// if true, the rectangle is centered over the origin

Polygon 🔗

	points,		// array of two-dimensional vectors as set of points

	paths,      // optional array with point indices if the polygon has also
				// inner "negative" paths

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Text 🔗

	text,		// the text as string

	size,	   	// the height of a standard uppercase letter

	font,		// the font name as string (project 6)

	halign,     // horizontal alignment given as string
				// possible values: "left", "center", "right"

	valign,     // vertical alignment given as string
				// possible values: "top", "center", "baseline", "bottom"

	spacing,	// adjustment factor to influence spacing between letters

	direction,	// writing direction, possible values: 
				// "ltr" -> from left to right
				// "rtl" -> from right to left
				// "ttb" -> from top to bottom
				// "btt" -> from bottom to top

	language,	// language given as short string. "en", "de", ...

	script 		// lettering system, default value is "latin"

Import of Geometries 🔗

	file,		// filename of a `.svg`- or `.dxf`-file

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

	layer		// layer name in case of a `.dxf`-file

Projection 🔗

	cut		// if "true", the subsequent geometrie is cut in the X-Y-Plane
			// instead of being projected onto it

3D Geometry 🔗

Sphere 🔗

	r,		// radius
	d 		// or diameter

Box 🔗

	size,		// a single value results in a cube
				// a three-dimensional vector results in a cuboid a.k.a. box

	center 		// if "true", the box is centered around the origin

Cylinder 🔗

	h,			// height of the cylinder

	r,			// radius, or alternatively
	r1,			// lower radius and
	r2,			// upper radius 

	d,			// diameter, or alternatively
	d1,			// lower diameter and
	d2,			// upper diameter

	center 		// if "true", the cylinder is centered along the Z-Axis

Polyhedron 🔗

	points,		// array of three-dimensional vectors representing a point set

	faces,		// array of four-dimensional vectors with each vector 
				// a surface tile whose edge points are given as indices into
				// the points array

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Import of Geometries 🔗

	file,		// filename of a `.stl`, `.off`, `.amf` or `.3mf`-file

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Surface from Image Data 🔗

	file,		// filename of a `.png`-file or text file

	center,		// if "true", the generated object will be centered

	invert,     // if "true", the color interpretation will be inverted

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Transformations 🔗

Linear Extrusion 🔗

	height,		// extrusion length

	center,		// if "true", the Extrusion will be centered along the Z-axis

	twist,		// twist in degrees around the Z-axis

	slices,		// number of layers along the Z-axis

	scale,		// Scaling of the base shape along the extrusion. Either a
	            // single value or a two-dimensional vector that defines the
	            // scaling in X- and Y-direction separately

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Rotational Extrusion 🔗

	angle,		// angle of the extrusion around the Z-axis

	convexity   // Optimization parameters for preview. If you experience
				// rendering errors in preview, increase this value. A value
				// of 10 should work in most cases.

Translation 🔗

	v 		// a two- or three-dimensional vector that describes the translation
			// relative to the origin

Rotation 🔗

	a,		// either a single rotation angle (in conjunction with v)
			// or a three-dimensional vector that describes the rotation
			// angles around the X-, Y-, and Z-axis

	v 		// a three-dimensional vector that describes the rotational axis

Scaling 🔗

	v 		// a two- or three-dimensional vector that describes the scaling
			// of the geometry in X-, Y- and Z-direction

Resizing 🔗

	newsize 	// a two- or three-dimensional vector that describes the
				// new dimensions of the subsequent geometry. Values of 0 are
				// interpreted as "auto scale"

Mirroring 🔗

	v 		// a two- or three-dimensional vector that describes the axis along
			// which the geometry should be mirrored

Color 🔗

	c,		// either a four-dimensional vector that describes the color as
			// RGBA with values ranging from 0 to 1; or 
			// a three-dimensional vector that describes the color as RGB with
			// values ranging from 0 to 1; or
			// a string that describes the color as hexadecimal code with a 
			// leading '#'; or
			// a string that describes the color with a color name like "red"

	alpha	// a transparency value ranging from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)

Convex Hull 🔗

	a_geometry(); 	// the convex hull is formed over all elements of the
					// geometry set



Expansion and Shrinking 🔗

	r,			// expansian using a circle with radius r that is moved along
				// the 2D-shape. alternatively:

	delta,		// distance to the new outer shape from the original shape.
				// Compared to `r` sharp corners will not be rounded when using
				// delta.

	chamfer		// if "true", corners will be flattened (only in conjunction
				// with delta)

Minkowski-Sum 🔗

minkowski() {
	a_geometry();	// base geometry

	a_geometry(); 	// geometry that is copied at every point of the base
					// geometry to expand the point set of the base geometry

Affine Transformation 🔗

	m 		// a 4x3 or 4x4 transformation matrix that describes the affine
			// transformation of the geometry

Boolean Operations 🔗

Union 🔗

	a_geometry(); 	// all geometries of the geometry set will be united



Difference 🔗

	a_geometry(); 	// base geometry

	a_geometry(); 	// all geometries after the base geometry will be 
					// substracted from the base geometry


Intersection 🔗

	a_geometry(); 	// all geometries of the geometry set will be intersected


Loops 🔗

For-Loop 🔗

for ( i = [start : step : stop] )  // loop variable i goes from 
a_geometry();                      // start to stop with increments of
								   // step (optional)

for ( v = array )                  // loop variable v goes through all
a_geometry();                      // entries of the array

for ( i ... , j ... )              // multiple loop variables are separated
a_geometry();                      // by commas

For-Loop (Boolean Intersection) 🔗

intersection_for( ... )		// same operation as regular for-loop,
a_geometry();			    // but objects are intersected instead of unified

Generative For-Loop 🔗

array = [ for (i = ...) i ];		// generates an array using a for-loop

Mathematical Functions 🔗

absolute value:		abs()
sign of a value:    sign()
sine:				sin()
cosine:				cos()
tangent:			tan()
arcsine:			asin()
arccosine:			acos()
arctangent:		    atan()
arctangent 2:		atan2()
round down			floor()
round				round()
round up			ceil()
natural logarithm				ln()
base 10 logarithm				log()
natural exponential function 	exp()
power function		pow()
square root			sqrt()
minimum				min()
maximum				max()
length of a vector				norm()
cross product of two vectors	cross()

Other Functions 🔗

number of elements in an array 		len()
number of letters in a string		len()
concatenate arrays					concat()
convert parameters into string		str()
search in arrays					search()
character conversions				chr(), ord()

Local Definition of Variables 🔗

let (x = ...) { 	


Random Numbers 🔗

array = rands (
	min_value,		// smallest random value
	max_value,		// biggest random value
	value_count,    // number of random values
	seed_value      // random seed

Access to Outer Geometry Set 🔗

module test() {

	$children			// number of elements in the outer geometry set

	children( i );		// i-th Geometry of the outer geometry set.
						// If no index is provided, all geometries of the
						// geometry set are returned

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